Guruphiliac: Kreepalu To Face Charges

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Kreepalu To Face Charges

File under: Gurus Doin' Time and Hands Where They Don't Belong

Much to our surprise, sex-crazed guru Kripalu Maharaj is back in Trinidad-Tobago to face the rape charges against him:
The pundit with a worldwide following of thousands has returned to Trinidad to face the charges of rape and molestation made against him by a devotee.

Jagadguru Ram Tripathi Maharaj was ordered to return to court on Monday by Deputy Chief Magistrate Mark Wellington, who returned Maharaj's passport last month and permitted the 85-year-old swami to leave Trinidad.

The swami is charged with the rape of a 22-year-old Guyanese woman and with indecently assaulting her.

The charges stem from an alleged incident last May in the prayer room of a house owned by a businessman in Palmiste, San Fernando.
We imagine Kreepalu's Kool-Aid brigade has been putting tremendous pressure on the accuser to recant. There will be high courtroom drama on Monday, but it remains to be seen if the gal actually goes through with it.

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At 7/15/2007 2:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What part of:

"The allegations are false and will be simply and conclusively disproved"

don't you understand?


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