Guruphiliac: TM™ers Drool Over Kiwi Teens

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

TM™ers Drool Over Kiwi Teens

File under: The Siddhi of PR

Always on the lookout for new demos to exploit, the minions of that mad old coot known as the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi have conned New Zealand education officials into allowing them to start teaching TM™ to troubled teens:
The school will make its "consciousness-based" education available to an initial 200 fee-paying pupils, with the group hoping to also open a facility in Christchurch.
This has us wondering, exactly what kind of education isn't "consciousness-based?"

This "education" might better be called "indoctrination-based," because that's exactly what these folks want, to churn out little TM™ers in the hopes they'll spread out and make more TM™ers, thereby giving the Mahahahaha-rishi someone to lord his dominion over. Too bad he's gonna be ashes in the wind well before that doesn't happen.



At 7/18/2007 9:37 PM, Blogger Johnny Profane said...

Great job, Jody! I posted a link to this story at TM-Free Blog. (I hope you can forgive a once in awhile plug for our blog!)

At 7/18/2007 9:41 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

I hope you can forgive a once in awhile plug for our blog!

Plug as often as you'd like, John!

At 7/19/2007 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad the people in New Zealand had not read the recent scientific study done on TM meditation research by the University of Alberta which found out how horrendous their methods are (no double blinding, bad or no randomization, bias, etc.). And I can guarantee you they used their bogus research to try and sell their meditation technique.

They might also want to read the results shown in the Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness, the premier textbook on consciousness and meditation research to date. They found that the much touted "EEG coherence" of the TM org's "Maharishi effect" is insignificant. The EEG of TM is essentially the same as sleeping!

At 7/19/2007 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi,Jody, I don't think I'd have huge problems with teaching TM to "troubled teens" whatever that means, but letting the TM organizaton loose on unsuspecting and vulnerable individuals (if that's what they are), NO WAY!

TM seems ok, but the extremes to which the TM organization appears to have gone to squeeze every cent out of its membership and the expensive courses that really do look like dedicated brain washing just pose a huge turnoff if not danger

At 7/19/2007 11:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They might also want to read the results shown in the Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness, the premier textbook on consciousness and meditation research to date. They found that the much touted "EEG coherence" of the TM org's "Maharishi effect" is insignificant. The EEG of TM is essentially the same as sleeping!


Don't these bozos wish, whatever form the cult business of meditation, touted masters and their minions show up.

They only hope to put the masses to sleep, make them snoore and sllleeeeep while the dirty business of entrapping the lot of them is being completed.

And then more and more and more wake up, couldn't keep them asleep.


Jody, thank you for all of your help in waking up so many, and many more to come.


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