Guruphiliac: Swami Nanobrain, M.D.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Swami Nanobrain, M.D.

File under: The Siddhi of PR

He's claimed that his yoga exercises can cure cancer and AIDS, but watch out if he decides to write you a prescription. Now Swami Ramdev has a brand new angle:
"Just as nanotechnology has the potential to send nano particles within the body system to seek out and treat afflicted parts, pranayam in yoga sends oxygen to the remotest parts inside the body which need oxygen for cure."
Way to jump on the nanowagon, Swami! And this little PR stunt made it on to Google News eight times today! That's the kind of coverage Sri Sri Ravi Shankar gets when he mounts one of his own little PR performances.

Could Ramdev be gaining on Sri Sri in the race for name recognition in the West? With Ramdev's personal health angle, as opposed to Sri Sri's world peace conceit, he just might vault himself right past the white-robed, Nobel-lusting fauxvatar.

While he's got a ways to go, putting our money on the Rancorous One may just be the best bet big-time gurudom has to offer at the moment. And don't even get us started on the eyeball lightning possibilities here. We'd take the stack of cash we'd win on that bet and pay to have the pleasure of watching these two fame-hounds fry each other like squirrels stuck on a power pole.



At 9/21/2007 1:39 AM, Blogger gregory said...

what is nano technology but creation of the smallest possible physical particles, able to permeate through otherwise impenetrable barriers...

what is pranayama but the development of the finest material level of consciousness, able to permeate through otherwise impenetrable barriers...

it is a very good analogy, especially when the western science metaphor is approaching the ephemeral, and the eastern science metaphor is using words from the physical realm, to describe what is of course a subtle body, or energetic (prana), phenomena....

me thinks you are missing a bit of prana in some of the nether reaches of your cranium... sorry, dont mean to criticize, i know you are trying to save me and the the rest of the seeking world from disappointment and monetary loss .... but allow your mind to loosen its hold on words, and get behind into the place to which the words are pointing... i promise, it is not scary...


At 9/21/2007 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"me thinks you are missing a bit of prana in some of the nether reaches of your cranium... sorry, dont mean to criticize, i know you are trying to save me and the the rest of the seeking world from disappointment and monetary loss .... but allow your mind to loosen its hold on words, and get behind into the place to which the words are pointing... i promise, it is not scary...

No, but the area you're reaching is empty, entirely self-generated, and not approaching anything but dollar signs.

At 9/21/2007 9:25 AM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

get behind into the place to which the words are pointing

That place isn't in the brain... yet thinking it is is what's keeping you from knowing it.

At 9/21/2007 11:49 AM, Blogger gregory said...

my kingdom is not of this world, is how jc allegedly said it... it is real, just not in the brain, or the mind, or the...

At 9/21/2007 12:21 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

not in the brain, or the mind, or...

...any of those places Ramdev's "nano"-oxygen is supposed to be getting at.

At 9/21/2007 4:10 PM, Blogger taman said...

Rofl @ Swami Nanobrain, M.D.

At 9/21/2007 11:30 PM, Blogger Ken said...

With pranayama and other yogic practices, one can get a control of Prana, the cosmic force of life and can use it to do extradinary feats. While it is possible to personally attain such a state, I doubt if some doctor/yogi can apply this at a personal level to cure some ignorents ailments, esp when it used in with a commercial angle.


At 9/25/2007 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah,the great American superiority complex!You guys think you understand other people's heritage better than themselves.Have you people,especially Jody (who claims to be such a follower of the Indian Masters he has never met or seen e.g. Vivekanada & SURPRISE!!!,Shankara too,who was in his day likened to a "Vampire & Robber" by eminent scholars of his day who too were stalwarts in Vedic Wisdom),ever done a self-analysis of how biased,rude & self-opinionated are your comments & blogs ?Or maybe you need a shrink to tell you that.

At 9/25/2007 1:17 PM, Blogger guruphiliac said...

ever done a self-analysis of how biased,rude & self-opinionated are your comments & blogs ?

Who needs an analysis? I know I'm biased, rude and horribly opinionated. But guess what? You don't have to read it, reader who is sounding an awful lot like one of those biased, rude and horribly opinionated Hare Krishnas.

At 9/26/2007 4:32 PM, Blogger CHUCK said...

jody said...
Who needs an analysis? I know I'm biased, rude and horribly opinionated.

Which is why you are such a much loved sombitch!


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